Category Archives: Clothing


The Vintage Clothing Epidemic

Vintage clothing, by it’s very definition, is by no means new. But the concept of
vintage fashion is fast gathering momentum and settling nicely into it’s guilded
place on the high street and internet.

So what is it that we love so much about vintage clothing? What are the
reasons behind the worldwide vintage clothing epidemic?

1) Celebrity Culture

Whether we like to admit it or not, we are living in a world where celebrities
are king, with more influence and status than most royals! Be it actors,
singers, models or TV personalities, our screens and the magazines we read
are filled with our icon’s latest look. In the past few years our favourite
celebrities have been turning to vintage clothing more and more and boy oh
boy have we been following suit… Whether it’s vintage dresses, vintage
knitwear, vintage jackets, vintage shoes, vintage skirts, vintage tops or vintage
accessories, if we see it in the glossies then we will do our best to find
something similar. It’s also made vintage clothing more accessible, more
mainstream and more acceptable than it ever has been before.

2) Individuality

You know the feeling. You’ve spent weeks preparing for the party of the year.
Carefully and lovingly choosing what to wear, how to style your hair, what
make up and scent to wear… The night finally arrives and feeling a million
dollars you arrive – only to find your worst nightmare. Another girl is wearing
exactly the same dress as you! It’s a horrible feeling and one we all dread, but
a perfectly realistic side effect of ‘fast fashion’ on the high street. So how can
you assure you will be the only girl in THAT outfit – vintage clothing of course!
When you buy a piece of vintage clothing you are buying an item that has one
very important factor – individuality. Sure you can buy pieces that follow key
trends but it’s highly unlikely that any other girl will have the same vintage
clothing item as you. Your vintage clothing can come from any corner of the
globe and from any era of time so it’s bound to be super special.

3) Global Awareness

From the way we power our homes to the way in which our rubbish is
collected, we have all become much more environmentally aware in recent
years. We’ve managed to adapt to splitting our rubbish into different boxes
and invested in energy saving light bulbs. We’ve even stopped leaving our TV’s
on standby when we go to bed! But being greener doesn’t end there… vintage
clothing is a fantastic way to recycle. Image how much quality vintage clothing
is out there, thousands and thousands of pieces just waiting for new homes.
You can even sell your own collection on – whether it’s your too-short sixties
minis or your dodgy eighties batwings, vintage clothing companies love to hear
from you. We can all do our bit to help each other and the planet!

4) Money Matters

You know the old saying – look after the pennies and the pounds look after
themselves! If you’re financially savvy then you are probably buying vintage
clothing already. To buy good quality fashion on the high street can cost
enough, but designer labels can really break the bank. Buying vintage clothing
is an excellent way to get the look you want at the fraction of the normal
price. Not only that, but you actually making an investment. Like a fine wine or
piece of antique furniture, as your vintage clothing grows older it increases in

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Posted by on December 23, 2012 in Clothing, Family & Home, Sales, Shopping, Society


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